#lachua #lachuatrail #natureingainesville #gainesvilleFL #thingstodoingainesville #visitgainesville #thingstodoingainesvillefl
Paynes Prairie is a massive landform in North Florida visited and written about by William Bartram in 1774, with an unusual twist for a prairie—it has a drain. That drain is called Alachua Sink, and every once in a while it clogs up, turning the prairie into a lake. In times of drought, water collects at this end of the prairie, as do the alligators. Located at the north end of the prairie, the La Chua Trail provides an excellent place for wildlife watching, with an elevated boardwalk and lengthy dike out to an observation tower.
Information taken from the La Chua Trail website.
For my renters at Southern Comfort Rental Properties, you can drive to La Chua Trail (probably about 10 minutes average from the properties). The parking area is a paid parking lot (cash) which is for Florida State Parks. It's another great "thing to do in Gainesville."